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“Color Snaps” by Ginnie Cappaert


Opening Reception: Friday March 22, 2019 4pm – 6pm

Gallery Hours: Monday - Saturday 10am - 6pm, Sunday 11am - 5pm


The fragments or ‘snippits’ of the beauty in the landscape is what inspired this show, “Color Snaps”.  This new series of oil and cold wax paintings are a color infused interpretation of the landscapes near and far.  By looking closely and focusing on patterns, line, shape and color in a more intimate way, Ginnie Cappaert was able to capture a freedom found in distant horizons and wide expanses.  These ‘color snaps’ are smaller and more intimate than her previous larger paintings and suggest the importance of every little fragment of life. 


Ginnie applies 30-40 layers of oil paints and mixed mediums very thinly to each panel. Ginnie constructs the painting by adding texture, scraping the paint and dissolving areas as well as rebuilding them.  The removing process is as important as the layering.  Creating ‘surface tension’ eventually transforms the painting into a peaceful, subtle mix of texture and color.

“Color Snaps” opening reception is on March 22, 4-6 pm at Globe Fine Art.  This is Cappaert’s second solo exhibition in Santa Fe and represents an entire new body of work.  Cappaert lives and works in her Michigan and Wisconsin studios but travels extensively always ‘noticing’ color.



Preview of Color Snaps

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